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MILT 3.0 Update 3.0.04
Dates Menu
MILT 3.0 has several options to calculate the beyond-use date and time. Regardless of the options you select, the expiration date can always be manually changed for each label.
Today's Date
The Beyond-Use is set to the System Date.
Today's Date + Years, Months, Days
The Beyond-Use Date is set to the System Date plus the number of Years, Months and Days you have set here.
Last Date Used
When you select a label, or create a new one, the Beyond-Use Date will not recalculate.
Turn off Expiration date
This choice globally eliminates the use of the beyond-use date field.
Date Format
Eight different formats can be selected for your beyond-use date display. (M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year).
For example, April 6, 2010 can be displayed as:
- M / D / YY =4/6/10 (Note - If we had used a two digit month, this format will show both digits, but does not pad a single digit month with a zero.)
- M / D / YYYY =4/6/2010
- MM / DD / YY = 04/06/10
- MM / DD / YYYY = 04/06/2010
- MMM/d/yy = APR/6/10 <<< NEW
- MMM/d/yyyy = APR/6/2010 <<< NEW
- MMM/dd/yy = APR/06/10 <<< NEW
- MMM/dd/yyyy = APR/06/2010 <<< NEW
- M / YY = 4/10
- MM / YY = 04/10
- M / YYYY = 4/2010
- MM / YYYY = 04/2010
- YY / MM / DD = 10/04/06
- YYYY / MM / DD = 2010/04/06
- YY / MM = 10/04
- YYYY / MM = 2010/04
- DD / MM / YY = 06/04/10
- DD / MM / YYYY = 06/04/2010
For the Time Format, using nine thirty-five in the morning as an example:
- h:mm tt = 9:35 AM
- hh:mm tt = 09:35 AM
- H:mm = 9:35 (Military or 24 Hour Time)
- HH:mm = 09:35 (Military or 24 Hour Time)
Show Expiration Time Field
The Expiration Time Field allows you to print an Expiration Time on your label for medications that have a very short shelf life, like insulin.
Compare Expiration Date to Manufacturer's Expiration Date <<< NEW
If you turn on this option, when you try to print an item, MILT will verify that the Packaged Expiration Date is less than the Manufacturer's Expiration Date. If it fails this test, the dates will have to be corrected before you are allowed to print that item.
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