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Storage & Transport
Helping you stay organized!
- Transport Carts and Workstations
- Unit Dose and Bulk Storage Systems
- Secure Narcotic Cabinets
- Shipping and Transport Containers
For over 30 years, we have been designing solutions for the safe and
efficient storage of medications and sensitive materials. Whether it's
providing security and tamper-evidence for narcotics and controlled
substances, protection for important documentation or
organizing and transporting supplies, our Storage and Transport
Products are ideal for these vital tasks. In addition to the medical applications of our products, these
versatile storage accessories can be used in a variety of settings and
Provides Flexibility in Organizing Space...Place Dividers Where You Need Them
Easy to assemble metal wire carts. Over 10 sizes to choose from!
Configurations to Fit Every Requirement, Location & Budget
Autoclavable Trays that are ideal for OR’s & Procedure Rooms as well as storage, transport and distribution applications.
Easy to Apply Shrink Band System for High Alert Medications
Clear Bands with "SEALED FOR YOUR PROTECTION" Imprint in Five Sizes
Ideal for Storing and Transporting Products and Supplies.
Easy to assemble wire carts. Versatile and Economical
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